Hyun Bin discharged on the 6th, "Secret Garden in 3D"

Actor Hyun Bin's drama "Secret Garden" is being aired in 3D in celebration of his return from the military.


Hyun Bin is currently serving duty in the Marines in Hwa-seong. To celebrate his return from the Marines, Samsung Electronics is showing his popular drama "Secret Garden" in 3D.

Samsung signed a contract with SBS Contents Hub and 3D Contents to broadcast the drama in 3D. This is the third 3D product since "Deep-rooted Tree" and "Ingigayo".

"Secret Garden" is a love story between plutocrat Kim Joo-won (Hyun Bin) and Gil Ra-im (Ha Ji-won). It has the unique layout of the man and woman changing souls and rated over 35%.

Samsung sources say, "As Hyun Bin is also the model for Samsung Smart TV, we are happy to create his recent most popular drama "Secret Garden" in 3D. It should be able present viewers with lively contents of the drama as if they were real".