Joo Won and Yoo Hae-jin's thriller, "Fatal Intuition" cranks in


"Fatal Intuition", a thriller about a brother who tracks down his sister's killer without a hint of evidence, cranked in on the 16th.

The first scene introduced Jang-woo played by Joo Won the brother and Min Yak-gook by Yoo Hae-jin. They mastered their characters perfectly despite the fact that it was their first time.

Joo Won has had lots of experience in the musical and film industry and this time, he intentionally put on weight to play the chubby brother who tracks down his sister's killer.

Joo Won said, "I love thrillers and I am determined towards them. I worked hard to put on an accent and I just have to do my best".

Min Yak-gook is a guy who is suspiciously thought of by Jang-woo for his weird actions played by Yoo Hae-jin. He said, "The first scene was a good start and everyone got along well".

"Fatal Intuition" aims for May release.