Kim Joo-hyuk gives great memories to students on excursion

Actor Kim Joo-hyuk presented memories to those students who visited the "Guam Heo Jun" set.


Namu Actors posted pictures on Twitter saying, "Kim Joo-hyuk is nice and gentle despite the overnight filming. He's giving out autographs and pictures as presents".

Kim Joo-hyuk can be seen signing autographs to children who visited the drama set on excursion.

The MBC historical drama set is being visited not only by stars but domestic and international visitors as well. Recently, children have been seen there on educational trips.

Kim Joo-hyuk wasn't cranky at all although he must've been tired and was generous to all the children.

Meanwhile, "Guam Heo Jun" has been rating in the 10% range continuously and has been voted as the one drama which parents would like to watch with their children.