[Spoiler] "A New Leaf", Kim Myung-min becomes a different person

Kim Myung-min sensed a difference in his law firm.


On the fourth episode of the MBC drama "A New Leaf", Kim Seok-joo (Kim Myung-min) entered Cha Yeong-woo (Kim Sang-joong) Law Firms as an intern with his memory and tried to solve a case with Taejin Electronics which was an argument about acquisition.

Kim Seok-joo was talking to Lee Ji-yoon (Park Min-young) late at night, looking through the case files.

Seok-joo said, "Do you know why rich people risk their lives on control over a company? They can dispose whatever they please if they want to and they can embezzle the money of the company as well". Then he seemed a little distant when he said, "By the way, are you getting used to this?'

Ji-yoon asked if he was tired and he said, "It's been 3 weeks since I've been here and I suppose I'll get used to it if I don't get fired".