[Spoiler] "Fermented Family" Boss Choi Deok-mook "Beat him 'til he's dead!"

"It's impossible for a gangster to become human". Ki Ho-tae has turned over a new leaf.


Ki Ho-tae (Song Il-kook) was determined to die. He was going to keep his loyalty without fighting.

Jo Dae-sik bought off Yoo Jeong-ho (Choi Jae-sup), a bank clerk who embezzled clients' money and pressured Cheon Ji In to payback its loans. However, Yoo Jeong-ho realized the true meaning of Cheon Ji In and surrendered himself to the police.

Jo Dae-sik called for Yoo Jeong-ho and asked him to repeat his statement. Yoo Jeong-ho was trembling with fear. Ki Ho-tae appeared at this moment and said, "Let him go".

Jo Dae-sik greeted Ki Ho-tae, who left the gang. He asked for the release of the hostage. Jo Dae-sik offered a deal: "Get beaten until you're dead".

Ki Ho-tae agreed. The gangsters surrounded him. However, he let go of the plank he was holding. He did not want to fight back. He then said something mysterious, "We're in front of the members, keep your word".