[Spoiler] "God's Gift - 14 Days" Kim Yoo-bin-I is the result of Kim Tae-woo and Joo Jin-mo-I

On the fourteenth episode of the SBS drama "God's Gift - 14 Days", Kim Soo-hyeon (Lee Bo-young) took her daughter Han Set-byeol (Kim Yoo-bin-I) to see her father Han Ji-hoon (Kim Tae-woo).


Previously, Soo-hyeon knew that Ki Dong-chan's (Cho Seung-woo) mother (Jung Hye-sun) kidnapped Set-byeol. She was trying to threaten Han Ji-hoon from sentencing her older son Ki Dong-ho (Jung Eun-pyo) to the death penalty.

However, the mother realized Set-byeol didn't feel too well after eating something and returned her to Han Ji-hoon. He knew Kim Soo-hyeon knew everything.

However, they didn't find Set-byeol in the house. Lee Myeong-han, the assistant to the former president and the Secretary of Justice (Joo Jin-mo-I) had taken her.

Han Ji-hoon explained to his wife, "I was investigating a serial case when I was a rookie. Something wasn't right after meeting the suspect. I asked for a re-investigation but it was ignored. It was because of Lee Myeong-han. Then we found rings and earrings of the victims from the previous case in another serial killing. I contacted Lee Myeong-han again and this is what happened".

In the end, his daughter Set-byeol was the victim of his and Lee Myeong-han's quarrel.