The fall of Park Yoo-chun, Kangin and Kim Hyun-joong

While JYJ Park Yoo-chun was accused of raping a waitress at a bar, the fall of three idol members from the 2nd generation came to surface.


Kim Hyun-joong was a handsome idol who looked like he popped out of a comic book.

However, Kim Hyun-joong was accused of having abused his girlfriend in 2015 while she was pregnant which caused her to have a miscarriage. The girlfriend sued him for 1.6 billion won.

Later, Kim was involved with a love quarrel regarding their child's DNA and hurt his reputation.

Kangin from Super Junior was also considered a handsome idol with masculine features.

However, Kangin disappointed fans by getting involved with drunk driving and assault cases in 2009.

He took some quiet time and appeared on a TV show to plead for another chance but not even a month after that, he was caught driving drunk again and became the troublemaker of the show biz.

Park Yoo-chun was titled, 'Milky Boy' for his pure and innocent image.

He was one of the main Hallyu stars from the beginning when he debuted with TVXQ.

After he quit the group, he joined another group called JYJ with Kim Junsu and Kim Jae-joong.

However, he was reported of having raped a waitress on the 13th.

He is currently in the hot seat for having done things and gone to places he shouldn't have while he's on National Duty.

Meanwhile, the waitress who sued Park Yoo-chun changed her mind and cancelled her charges of rape. However, Park Yoo-chun is going to continue with the investigation to help revitalize his reputation.