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[Video] Trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "B.E.D"

Trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "B.E.D"

30 Seconds Trailer

"B.E.D" (2013)

Directed by Park Chul-soo

With Jang Hyuk-jin, Lee Min-ah, Kim Na-mi,...

Three men and women's passionate and shocking erotism!
Life starts and ends in the bed.

B for Bed for Werther
E for Erotic Desire of Aphrodite
D for Dream About Comfortable Slumber - everyone speaks in a different face and language.

B is an indecisive man who is in depression. E doesn't like to be bored and will risk having an affair to fullfill his sexual desires. E is the boyfriend of a married woman but he doesn't want to be freed from those restrains. D is the wife of a man who needed a capable career woman and a loyal housewife at the same time. These three have a story as complicated as a puzzle game...B.E.D

Release date in Korea : 2013/01/17