'Menstrual cycle', Clara feels humiliated


"What offended me the most was despite the fact that I said several times during the dispute, "I am not going to share my private life", he said, "The company deserves to know every single detail of your personal schedule including your menstrual cycle!" In my common sense, regardless of what reason, things like that shouldn't be said out loud".

This is what Clara claims to be the most sexually humiliating thing her agency chairman said to her.

In an average person's point of view, demanding to know someone's menstrual cycle is just not commonly accepted. This is a sexually humiliating statement indeed and if this is true that the company chairman said this, he could be socially buried.

However, several entertainment related sources who have been watching this issue closely side with the company chairman.

We took a look at the reactions of entertainment companies who show signs of agreeing with something that is logically not apprehensible.

▲Why does everyone think that the claim to know her 'menstrual cycle' seem reasonable?

A certain major entertainment company source claimed that it was natural for the company to know her menstrual cycle.

"The management needs to know everything. It could prevent something from happening in that period and it's all in the name of management. The company needs to know her personal schedule, her relationships and personal matters".

"If Clara reacted to what the management asked for then that's a big checking point for them. Some celebrities go through so much pain during that time that they can't even work. Who would like to be asked to work when they're in pain? It's all so that the company can figure out when she will be going through a rough time so that they can avoid it or ask for favors".

▲Forced work leads to conflict with the agency

Another source said Clara's reaction to the sexual statements come from lack of understanding of the entertainment business.

This person was a manager of an actress in her 20s and he didn't know about her agonizing menstrual cycle when he got work for her on that day. Later, when she had problems with the management with contract matters, she used this case as unjust.

"I understand where Clara is coming from. However, several agencies try to decrease the 'level of risk' when signing on new stars. All the more because of the shady things that go on in the biz right now. The 'menstrual cycle' is also because of that. In fact, an actress sued her management for not taking care of her on her 'sick days'. I think Clara might not have a full understanding of the contract deal that is a habit in this area of profession".

▲There is fault in Polaris's way of approaching as well and they have to see the difference between singer and actress

In terms of 'method' several sources claim that Polaris is also at fault.

First of all, it's the fact that the chairman said the matter of issue himself. According to other sources, intimate matters like this are discussed between the female artist and a female employee from the management.

Another thing is the difference between singers and actresses. While singers maintain a 'family-like' relationship with their management and share everything, actresses are more about 'privacy'.

In a singer's case, everything from planning must be discussed with the management. It's a matter of teamwork and the management has the upper hand most of the time. However, in an actress's case, there's more value in the privacy of a person. Polaris has dealt mostly with singers and Clara is an entertainer and actress.

A source from a major company says, "There's a difference in management rules for a singer and an actress. Singers train with the company for a long time so they just leave it up to the management to take care of everything for them but actresses sign a deal after they've grown up and are able to make decisions on their own. Usually, singers who have done acting before want to be treated like actors and actresses because they look like they are being personally taken care of".