Actor Kwon Sang-woo booked for hit-and-run

By Bae Ji-sook
Staff reporter

Actor kwon Sang-woo was booked Thursday for an alleged hit-and-run. The star went to the police station two days after the initial accident.

According to officials at the Seoul Central Public Prosecutors' Office, Kwon was driving in southern Seoul early in the morning of June 12 and hit a parked car.

He did not stop, but instead tried to flee the scene only to hit another car- this time a patrol car. He drove for a further 300 meters, ignoring orders from the police to stop, then hit a tree in a parking lot nearby. He left his car and ran off.

Kwon showed up on June 14 at the Gangnam Police Station. He reportedly asked for leniency saying he was embarrassed by being chased by a police vehicle.

Since two days had passed, the investigators were unable to conduct a sobriety test. The actor denied driving under the influence of alcohol and the case was passed to the prosecution on fleeing the scene of an accident charges only.

Kwon's agent said Thursday that the actor was deeply remorseful. "Kwon's car skidded in the rain and hit a car parked nearby. He was trying to reverse to look at the damage but made matters worse by hitting a patrol car. He tried to park his car at a nearby parking lot to talk to the police officers. But when he hit the trees, he panicked and left the scene", his agency said.

"We immediately visited the scene, admitted wrongdoing and took over the questioning process. Kwon deeply regrets his immature driving skills and running away".

Kwon is now on a nationwide promotion tour for his newest flick "71-Into the Fire". He is also signed up to star in a TV drama later this year.

권상우, 뺑소니 혐의

"뺑소니 사고" 혐의를 받은 영화배우 권상우가 사건 이틀 뒤 경찰에 출두했다.

서울중앙지방검찰청에 의하면 권상우는 12일 아침 서울 강남에서 운전하다가 주차되어있는 차량과 충돌한 후 도주를 하던 중 순찰차와 부디쳣다. 경찰의 정지 명령을 무시한채 300미터 가량 운전하다 인근 주차장의 나무와 충돌했고, 결국 차량을 뒤로하고 도망쳤다.

권상우는 14일 강남 경찰서에 출두해, 순찰차에 쫓기던 것이 창피해 도주했다며 물의를 빚어 죄송하게 생각하고 있다고 밝혔다.

이틀이나 지났으므로 음주 테스트를 할 수 없는 상황이었다. 권상우 측은 음주혐의를 부인하였고, 사건은 뺑소니 혐의로만 공소가 제기되었다.
