Actress Lee Min-jung returns to Korea alone on the 14th

Actress Lee Min-jung has come back to Korea.

A source from Lee Min-jung's agency, MS Team Entertainment said, "Lee Min-jung has returned to Korea in the afternoon on the 14th".


The source explained, "Lee Min-jung came back to Korea in order to accommodate her pre-scheduled commercial shoot in Korea.

Lee Min-jung left to California in the states along with her husband on December 6th last year. She has stayed by her husband and been strongly supportive for him, who had difficult time due to the case of blackmailing.

Lee Byung-hun reported to police in September last year when he was blackmailed for 5 billion won ($4.6 million) with the threats to release a video clip of his personal life. Model Lee Ji-yeon, and Kim Si-won-III, a member of the girl group GLAM have been arrested and convicted for Punishment of Violences, etc. Act. The final trial for the two will take place at Seoul Central District Court in the morning on the 15th.