Actress Seo Ji-hye Apologizes for Unintentional Spoiler through SNS Photo

Actress Seo Ji-hye revealed her deepest apologies for her unintentional spoiler for the drama, "Don't Dare to Dream".


She revealed during the wrap-up interview for the drama that she made a mistake without knowing it.

"Honestly that was not the script but a prop that was placed on top of the news briefing table. That's why I didn't realize that it was actually the script. I truly apologize to all the fan", said Seo.

"I apologize, although it was unintentional. I am not used to using social media but it is the only way to closely interact with fans", she added.

Previously, she had posted a photo online during a shoot which also had the script of actor Cho Jung-seok. The photo has since then been deleted.