Clara VS Polaris, third trial on the 26th


The third trial between Clara and Polaris will be held today (26th).

The first trial was initially supposed to be held on the 27th of April but was pushed back to the 27th of May. The second trial was held on the 1st of July. The third trial will be held on the 26th of June and Polaris's legal attorney claimed they will be bringing forth a CCTV footage of the conversation between Lee Gyu-tae and Clara.

If new evidence is given it's going to influence the hearing.

Meanwhile, Polaris and Clara are currently at legal dispute over contract matters. Clara claimed she'd been sexually harassed by Lee Gyu-tae therefore making the contract invalid and filed for a case to prove that the contract didn't have effect.

Polaris countersued her for actions violating the terms of contract and argued that her claim of sexual harassment was malicious but the court ruled Clara and her father not guilty.