Controversy over relation of singer and lyricist deepening

Pop song lyricist Choi Hee-jin-I has claimed that she had an abortion after getting pregnant from the son of veteran trot singer Tae Jin-ah (real name; Cho Bang-hyun), escalating the controversy over the relations between the two.

Choi, 37, posted her contention about the pregnancy and abortion Saturday night in her mini-homepage under the title of "Cho (Tae Jin-ah) is not a human being".

"Return the baby… that Iru told me to give birth to", said Choi, claiming that she had got pregnant with Iru's baby. Eru, 27, is the rising singer and son of Tae Jin-ah, 57, one of four popular veteran trot singers in Korea.

"Eru, do you remember the sonogram of the fetus I sent to you by cell phone? You got embarrassed but you didn't force me to have an abortion. Still now, I thank you a lot for that. Although you failed to keep me and the baby, I do not blame you".

"Tae Jin-ah, you could also recall the sonogram I sent", she continued to say. "You are a murderer, although you didn't kill the baby directly. You should revive the baby's life", she said.

It is reported that Tae Jin-a had forced his son to sever the intimate relations with Choi after she got pregnant. The junior Cho had been dating Choi, while the latter were offering lyrics to the young singer.

"How can you appear in TV programs as if nothing has happened… His morality and conscience get 0 points. You seem to live your life in a very easy manner… Now, let's die together", she wrote in a tone of rage.

Meanwhile, Choi informed a news media in person that she took poison while being hospitalized Saturday afternoon, but she was found to have been suffering from dehydration and exhaustion due to cumulative fatigue in a medical checkup, sources said.

음독 주장 최희진 이루 아이 낙태 주장

가수 태진아와 진실공방을 벌이고 있는 작곡가 최희진이 이루의 아이를 가졌다가 낙태했다는 글을 올렸다.

최희진은 지난 4일 밤 10시 17분 자신의 미니홈피에 '조씨는 인간이 아니다'라는 제목으로 임신과 낙태를 했다는 내용의 글을 올렸다.

공개한 글에는 "이루는 낳자고 했던 내 아기..돌려줘"라며 "이루야, 내가 핸드폰으로 보낸 애기 첫 초음파 사진 기억하니? 넌 당황했지만 내게 낙태를 권하진 않았어. 지금도 그건 너무 고마워. 넌 끝까지 나와 아이를 지켜주진 못했지만, 널 원망 안하려고"라며 임신 사실을 알렸다.

이어 "태진아 씨도 기억하시죠? 제가 보여드린 애기 초음파 사진"이라며 "살인자. 사람을 직접 죽여야 살인이 아냐. 당신이 강제로 죽인 내 아기 살려내"라며 태진아가 낙태를 종용했음을 주장했다.

글의 말미에는 "어떻게 뻔뻔하게 아무 일 없 듯 TV에 얼굴을 디미는지...도덕0점 양심 제로. 당신, 인생 참 쉽게 사는 것 같은데...... 이젠 그냥 나랑 같이 죽어"라며 격한 감정을 드러냈다.

한편, 최희진은 4일 오후 한 언론매체에 자신이 음독을 했다고 직접 제보하며 모 병원에 입원했지만 음식을 먹지 못해 생긴 탈수, 탈진, 피로누적이라는 검진 결과를 받았다.
