Song Hye-kyo and Bae Suzy, Best Friends

Actors Song Hye-kyo and Bae Suzy's two-shot finally came out. It is the birth of the all-time visual created by Kim Eun-sook.


Bae Suzy released a flurry of photos on her Instagram that she took with Song Hye-kyo on Tuesday. It is noteworthy that she looks comfortable, from the photos she took sitting side by side at Song Hye-kyo's house to the photos she took holding her dog Ruby in her arms.

On the same day, Bae Suzy and Song Hye-kyo shared photos of each other while eating at a restaurant. This time, their two-shot photos were released, drawing keen attention.

Bae Suzy and Song Hye-kyo have recently appeared in a drama and made a relationship. Bae Suzy was cast in the original Netflix series "All the Love You Wish For" written by Kim Eun-sook, and Song Hye-kyo made a special appearance.

Earlier in February, it was reported that Song Hye-kyo recently departed for Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, in loyalty to writer Kim Eun-sook, to film "All the Love You Wish For".

Song Hye-kyo starred in Kim Eun-sook's previous works "Descendants of the Sun" and "The Glory", which made them close friends. As a result, Song Hye-kyo made a special appearance in "All the Love You Wish For" and became close friends with Bae Suzy. The age gap between the two is 13 years old.

Bae Suzy released photos of her meeting Song Hye-kyo in different clothes for a day on the 22nd, and it seems that the two met several times. Since the shooting, they have continued their close relationship, raising questions about how the two worked together in the work.

"All the Love You Wish For" is a romantic comedy in which Kim Eun-sook and director Lee Byeong-heon-I join hands, which Genie, whose career has been interrupted waking in more than a thousand years, meeting a human named Ga-yeong with three wishes.

The drama is drawing attention as the first reunion in seven years between Bae Suzy and Kim Woo-bin, as well as Bae Suzy and Song Hye-kyo. Kim Woo-bin takes on the role of the Genie and makes an unprecedented transformation. Bae Suzy plays Ga-young, an emotionally lacking human being with no blood or tears. Other cast members include Ahn Eun-jin, Steve Sanghyun Noh, Ko Kyu-pil and Lee Zoo-young.

Meanwhile, Bae Suzy will present her next work "All the Love You Wish For" after the movie "Wonderland", and Song Hye-kyo will return to the movie "Dark Nuns".