[HanCinema's Digest] Culture Corner

The Corea Image Institute honours the country's top cultural ambassadors, KBS World explores how Korea is preparing for the fourth industrial revolution with AI, discover what cosmetic surgery procedures are the most popular in Korea, and consider renting your own beautiful hanbok next time you're in town.


"Award Honors Individuals For Globalizing South Korea"

Since 2005, Corea Image Communications Institute has honoured those individuals who work to promote Korea and its culture to the world. Over the past decade, South Korea has made tremendous strides toward spreading and promoting its culture to the world. The country invests millions to ensure K-culture and tourism features as one of the world's most attractive cultures and destinations. Interestingly, not all the players honoured for their contribution to K-culture were human...


"Society, Culture and Sports"

Find out how South Korea is already setting the stage for the fourth industrial revolution in this interesting article on KBS World. What technology are they banking on? Artificial Intelligence: "South Koreans already witnessed its [AI] potential, and threats, through a historic duel between South Korean master Lee Se-dol and Google DeepMind's AlphaGo computer program in March of last year". Now, South Korea is betting big on super algorithms and AI that will revolutionise the socio-economic landscape well into the twenty-first century, and beyond...


"10 Most Popular Plastic Surgeries in South Korea"

Cosmetic surgery is big, big business in South Korea. The country regularly features near the top of any global survey of countries with the most plastic surgeries, but what procedures are South Koreans actually getting done? It's not just the locals who are opting for cosmetic surgery: according to the Korea Times, in 2014 around 266,501 foreigners visited South Korea to go under the knife. (Do you know what district in Seoul is known by some as the "Beauty Belt"?)


"Reflect the beauty of Korean culture by wearing a hanbok in the streets"

Heather Allman, writing for Groove Korea, reflects on the beauty of the hanbok as seen on Korean streets. "Known for its elegance, definitive lines, full curves, and dynamic color schemes", writes Heather, "the culturally rich and aesthetically pleasing elements of the hanbok reflect the true beauty and structure of Korean tradition". Koreans use to wear the hanbok on a daily basis until around 100 years ago, but the dress itself dates back over 1,000 years to the Goguryeo Kingdom. Today, more and more locals are rediscovering the beauty of their traditional dress, and many visitors to the country enjoy renting hanboks, too!