How to Survive End-of-Year Binge Drinking

Parties and gathering celebrating Christmas and the end of the year fill up people's calendars in December, but the pressure to consume vast amounts of alcohol with friends, family members and coworkers can take its toll.


Here are some tips to help keep things in moderation and not overtax your body during this festive season.

The first principle is not to drain glasses of beer or liquor on an empty stomach. There is a tendency to encourage people to drink quickly in Korea's drinking culture, such as by downing jaeger bombs or shots of soju mixed with beer. But chugging down drinks rapidly accelerates the onset of inebriation and usually leads to a longer and more painful hangover.

If such drinking rituals cannot be avoided, at least make sure you head to the party after lining your stomach with some food to help it better manage the alcohol. A light meal, rice porridge or soup is recommended, but even a cup of milk will help.

Meanwhile, nibbling on snacks like peanuts, seaweed, fruit or whatever is at hand will slow down the speed at which the body absorbs all the alcohol, meaning you will be able to enjoy the social gathering longer.

Many people suffer from skin problems the day after drinking alcohol, or after they drink for several days in a row, and frequent binge drinking and sleep deprivation can lead to problems of the liver and skin. Drinking plenty of water and eating fruit that is rich in vitamins and fiber will help break down the alcohol and prevent the skin from drying up.