[HanCinema's News] Ma Dong-seok and Ye Jung-hwa Hold Belated Wedding Ceremony

Actor Ma Dong-seok and personal fitness personality Ye Jung-hwa have finally held a formal ceremony confirming their marriage. News reports of the nuptials appeared in South Korean media on May 25th. The two publically acknowledged being in a romantic relationship back in 2016, and held a legal ceremony confirming this relationship in 2021. Ma Dong-seok inadvertently confirmed this information when accepting an award in 2022 where he described Ye Jung-hwa as his wife.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ma Dong-seok and Ye Jung-hwa had to put off having a traditional ceremony with family and friends. However, by the time the pandemic was over, Ma Dong-seok unexpectedly found himself to be a commodity in high demand as "The Roundup" in 2022 had an extremely strong performance at the South Korean box office. Consequently, Ma Dong-seok took advantage of the opportunity to quickly produce two more sequels to this sudden franchise.

It's only with the official release of the second sequel "The Roundup: Punishment" that Ma Dong-seok had finally had a long enough break in work to commit to a more traditional wedding ceremony. Two weeks before "The Roundup: Punishment" was released, Ma Dong-seok's agency confirmed that he would have his wedding in May but offered no further details. Now that the wedding has been completed, with no risk of interference by outsiders, his agency has made the event public knowledge.

It is not yet known what Ma Dong-seok's next project will be. His name had come up in connection with "Hive" back in 2022, but there have been no updates on this webtoon adaptation since then. In any case, if Ma Dong-seok wants a break, he's certainly earned one. "The Roundup: Punishment" is closing in on eleven million admissions in an exceptional box office run.

Written by William Schwartz