Interview with Go Ara "I Need My Very Own Romance"

"Now I want to solve the question I've been having as an actress".


Actress Go Ara refreshed her stance as an actress in her late 20's. About a month ago, she left her home ground SM Entertainment and moved her agency to the Artist Entertainment. This new agency is a heavy actor-based agency covering some of the big shots such as Jung Woo-sung, Lee Jung-jae and Ha Jung-woo.

She explained her move, "Since my contract with SM Entertainment was coming to an end, Artist Entertainment reached out to me. I thought it was a great opportunity for me to grow, as I will be on the same boat with these great senior actors I look up to".

She continued the interview, "While I was going to school and majoring in the Department of Theater and Film, I pondered upon my acting. Since I graduated when I became 25 years old, I wanted to broaden my spectrum in acting field. I've been on many dramas but I still have that unquenchable thirst. I want to show as many side of me as possible".

After "Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth" have ended, she took a trip to U.S. where she was able to take a break and think carefully on her next drama. She mentioned that her first try in a historical drama was a start in broadening her acting spectrum.

"For the Rated-R type of movies, I say not yet. I'm still a bit shy to challenge myself on that level. However as I continue to build my acting career, I will be able to. I will think carefully on it".

Go Ara is already an actress with 15 years of experience. Starting with her debut teen-drama "Sharp 1" to the famous "Reply 1994", she have experienced both high and low ratings on the shows she acted in. She said, "Since I debuted so young, I don't quite feel that I have been acting for 15 years already. I think this was a perfect timing in my life as I changed my agency and refresh myself".

As for her homework in her late 20's, she said "entertainment" and "Romance". She explained, "Some of my friends already have two kids". "I watched the drama "Guardian: The Lonely and Great God" and loved it. I even bought and read the poem book featured in the drama. Being in the entertainment industry is a busy life, but I need to get into my very own romance also". She said that with a laughter.