JTBC Bragging Awards

JTBC Bragging Awards nominees.

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"Dying to Know" Award

"Sisyphus: The Myth"


"She Would Never Know"

"Beyond Evil"

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"Put in My Folder" Award

"Live On" - Memory fragment teaser - Hwang Minhyun

"Mystic Pop-Up Bar" - Twin tops meme

"18 Again" - Goodbye 18 Again

"More Than Friends" - Holding Youth 'Library Kiss'

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"Gave All My Heart" Award

"Itaewon Class" - Jealous Yi-seo Meme

"The World of the Married" - Lee Tae-oh Falling in Love is Not a Sin

"When the Weather Is Fine" - Lee Jang-woo Confession and Rejection Story

"More Than Friends" - What Kind of Relationship Are We? Ep.13-14

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"Flying Picture" Award

"Was It Love" - Couple 4-Cut Selfie

"Private Lives" - Seohyun x Go Kyung-pyo Greatest Newlywed Spoiler

"The World of the Married" - Rating Increase Graph

"18 Again" - Family Album Round 1

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"No Eyes Haven't Seen" Award

"The World of the Married" - Lee Da-kyeong Unaffectionate Expression

"The Good Detective" - Crazy Acting Power #OhJungSe (Oh Jung-se)

"Itaewon Class" - Ma Hyeon-yi Class

"Graceful Friends" - Graceful Crime Scene Ep.0

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