Jung Woo-sung injured while filming 'Athena'

By Kwon Mee-yoo

Actors Jung Woo-sung and Jeong Chan-woo-I were injured during filming action scenes for the SBS drama "ATHENA", Sunday evening.

According to Taewon Entertainment, the production company for the drama, Jeong, playing a terrorist agent, hurt his head as the car he was driving skidded and Jeong injured his right knee trying to avoid the car.

The action-packed drama revolves around plots between the National anti-Terrorist Service (NTS) and a secret terrorist organization named ATHENA.

The scene filmed Sunday was Jeong ramming his car into Jeong in an attempt to murder him. However, the car went into a skid and caused the accident. Neither actor used stand-ins for the scene.

Jeong's knee injury is not serious, but he was advised to refrain from walking and running for a while, unavailable to do some action scenes for the drama. Since Jeong is the main character, the producers are worried about the remaining episodes if he cannot move freely.

Jeong also hurt his knee when he was filming "ATHENA" in Italy and was on crutches for about three months.

Jeong was taken to the emergency room of a nearby hospital and had stitches for the head injury. His did not sustain any damage to his brain and is taking a rest, the production team said.

Meanwhile, Sean Richard Dulake, playing "ATHENA"'s secret agent Andy was also injured in a traffic accident on his way to the set in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi Province earlier Sunday.

Richard suffered minor injuries and joined the filming later, the producers said.

The filming for Monday's episode is finished, but the 14th episode for Tuesday is not done yet and the production for that episode might have to be cancelled. The drama was scheduled for 20 episodes.

"We will discuss with the broadcasting station whether to cancel it or not", an official of Taewon Entertainment said.

정우성 '아테나' 촬영중 차량사고로 부상

배우 정우성과 정찬우가 일요일 저녁 드라마 "아테나"의 액션 장면을 촬영하다 부상을 당했다.

드라마의 제작사인 태원 엔터테인먼트에 따르면 비밀조직 아테나의 요원 철규를 맡은 정찬우 분가 국가위기방지기관인 NTS 요원 정우(정우성)를 죽이기 위해 총을 쏘며 차량으로 들이받는 장면을 촬영하던 중 차량이 미끄러지면서 사고가 났다고 한다.

차를 운전하던 정찬우는 머리를 다쳤고, 정우성은 미끄러지는 차를 피하려다가 오른쪽 무릎을 다쳐 각각 다른 병원으로 후송됐다. 두 배우 모두 스턴트맨의 도움 없이 직접 촬영을 하던 중이었다.

정우성의 무릎 부상은 심각하지 않으나 당분간 걷고 뛰는 것이 불가능하다는 진단을 받아서 액션 장면을 촬영할 수 없게 됐다. 정우성이 주연을 맡은 만큼 제작진들은 나머지 촬영이 정상적으로 진행될 수 있을지 우려하고 있다고 전했다.

정찬우는 머리 부상을 입고 병원으로 옮겨졌지만 정밀 검사 결과 뇌에는 이상이 없다는 판정을 받고 상처 부위를 꿰맨 뒤 휴식을 취하고 있다.

제작진은 또 아테나의 비밀요원 역을 연기하고 있는 션 리처드도 일요일 오후 경기도 가평의 촬영장으로 가는 길에 교통사고를 당했지만 큰 부상이 아니라 촬영에 참여하고 있다고 전했다.

정우성의 부상으로 인해 "아테나"는 25일 결방된다.
