Korean Animations have attracted Europeans

In '2008 Korean Animation Festival' which has been held in London Korean Film Festival, 'Korean Animation Day' got evaluated very well by the audiences and newspaper groups.

Korea Culture & Contents Agency (Director: Seok-Man Ko) announced that about 180 of audiences have been gathered in Korean Animation Day which has been screened three times. Korean characters and animations got big responses from managers of Barbican Center and parents.

'Animation Day' which has been held in Barbican Centre of London England and Cinema 1, screened 'Chiro and his friends', 'Pororo', 'Panfried Pumpkin', 'Wanted' (from "Indie Anibox : Selma's Protein Coffee "), 'A Coffee Vending Machine and its Sword' (from "Indie Anibox : Selma's Protein Coffee "), 'Love is Protein' (from "Indie Anibox : Selma's Protein Coffee "), and 'Aachi And Ssipak' for European audiences.

The Source : Koreacontent News Team
