Sin Yeong-woong

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Sin Yeong-woong (신영웅)

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Birthdate: 1973

ActorBaseball playerManagement department

Also known as: Shin Yeong-woong, Sin Young-woong, Shin Young-woong, Young Woong, 영웅, Kim Hyeon-soo, Kim Hyeon-su, Kim Hyun-soo, Kim Hyun-su, 김현수

Kim Hyeon-soo is a former Korean AV actor.
He is a former baseball player (catcher) for the Haitai Tigers in 1992–93, but just before his professional debut, he suffered an elbow injury and had to end his career.
Due to the physique he developed during his days as an athlete, he was selected as a model for an underwear advertisement and later went to work at a nightclub, where he rose to managing director and then vice president at the age of 27 (or 28).
Feeling dissatisfied with his current life, he debuted as a Korean AV actor under the pseudonym 'Sin Yeong-woong'.
In 2011, he moved into Japanese AV and became a hot topic. However, even though his works were mosaic, they were only 'pretended' like a Korean erotic film, such as the use of artificial genitalia. This is because if he filmed an AV where actual penetration occurred, he could be punished for prostitution after returning to his country.
His father was a police officer.


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