I Believed a Guy

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I Believed a Guy

Korean Drama | 2011

남자를 믿었네 | Nam-ja-leul Mid-eoss-ne


Directed byChoi Eun-kyeong-I (최은경)Lee Eun-gyoo (이은규)

Written by

TV Channel/Platform: MBC (MBC)

Airing dates:

Mon~Fri 20:15
We’re all alone in this world and so we need to be loved.


Kim Nam-gi (37) Director, Sandeulgang Food Company - Actor Park Sang-min
He is the eldest son born between Chairman Kim and his first wife. On the surface, he maintains an amicable relationship with his half-sister Hwa-gyeong, but in reality, he is fighting against her over control of his father’s company. For a variety of reasons in his past, he despises women and finds them untrustworthy. When he starts a relationship with Gyeong-ju, he does not expect it to last but she turns out to be a tenacious girl, which keeps him from dumping her. Besides, he gets a kick out of playing games with her. But later on, he finds himself falling in love with her...

Kim Hwa-gyeong (35) Executive Director, Sandeulgang Food Company – Actress Woo Hee-jin
Daughter of Sandeulgang Chairman Kim. She is ambitious and single. She is possessive and has obsessions. She will go after whatever she wants with a fierce tenacity. There’s nothing that she won’t do in order to take control of the family business. She will not tolerate having her half-brother become the president of the company simply based on the fact that he is the son. She uses Seon-wu’s services to enhance her position in the company and place in the family.

Lee Seon-wu (29) Sales Officer, Small business ▶ Industrial spy – Actor Sim Hyeong-tak
He is clever and full of humor, not to mention having good looks. He had to quit college because his family could not afford the tuition. He loves reading books and is comfortable about taking risks. This also makes him an astute businessman. He has every trait a successful man has except money. Facing such circumstances, most people would be bitter about life but Lee has a positive outlook and is hopeful for the future. No matter what kind of hardships he faces, he is determined to protect Gyeong-ju at any costs.

Oh Gyeong-ju (27) Store manager of Sandeulgang outlet – Actress Wang Bit-na
After graduating from a 2-year technical college, she got hired at Sandeulgang. Although she lacks a stellar educational background and her family is hardly affluent, she is a very proud person who is also very hopeful about her future. When her boyfriend Seon-wu abruptly disappears without even a good-bye, she is left with a broken heart and a bruised ego. Just then Nam-gi enters her life! She slowly catches on that Nam-gi has a lonely heart just like she does.

Moon Hyeon-su (26) A part-time film director and barista – Actor Kim Dong-wook
He has an independent streak and a cosmopolitan outlook. As a free-spirited man, he travels a lot while working as a barista. But his ex-girlfriend Jeong-min reappears in his life for better or worse. She’s the only girl he cannot keep his cool around. After meeting Gyeong-min, he is smitten with love. If only he had met her before the other women in his life...

Han Gyeong-min (22) College student – Actress Lee Da-in
Gyeong-ju’s sister. She has a sunny personality and talks openly about her feelings. She has a big heart and polite manners. She’ll laugh a lot and get emotional when her feelings are hurt. The only thing she lacks is drive. She is very optimistic about life. Because her family is poor, she works part-time to put herself through college. One day she gets hired at a café where Hyeon-su also works as a barista. She knows him because her mom works as a maid at his house. Since she sees Hyeon-su at work all the time, she learns details about his personal relationships with other women.

Ha Jeong-min (27) Hyeon-su’s ex-girlfriend. Married – Actress Hong Soo-ah
Her family wanted her to marry a state prosecutor so they set up an arranged date between her and a law graduate. After she got married married, her husband decides to become an attorney instead. It was a loveless marriage from the start. The only man she ever loved was Hyeon-su. What’s wrong about finding love outside of a marriage?
They say, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” But Hyeon-s doesn’t have feelings for her anymore. He seems to be distant. She’ll have to do something about that.



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