It's Not Her Sin

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It's Not Her Sin

Korean Movie | 1959

그 여자의 죄가 아니다 | geu yeo-ja-eui joi-ga a-ni-da


Directed by Shin Sang-ok (신상옥)

Written by

104min | Release date in South Korea:

Seong-hee (Ju Jeung-ryu), wife of diplomat Baek Sang-ho (No Neung-geol), shoots at Yeong-sook (Choi Eun-hee) and is arrested by the police. The media report it is prompted by a love triangle and a prosecutor (Park Gyeong-ju) starts to interrogate Yeong-sook. Misunderstood that his wife has cheated him, Baek Sang-ho tries to divorce and Yeong-sook begins to tell him and the prosecutor about her past. When Yeong-sook was dating a loser of a guy named Sang-geun, she became pregnant, and asked for the advice of her half-sister Seong-hee. Yeong-sook ended up giving her child to Seong-hee, who was unable to have children of her own. Seong-hee pretended to be the true mother of the child, and Sang-ho, absent when the clandestine exchange was made, has no idea of the truth. A few years later, Sang-geun returns from Japan and demand one million won from Yeong-sook. She asks Seong-hee for help and Seong-hee promises to have the money ready by selling her jewelries. Since then Yeong-sook begins to frequently drop by Seong-hee's home again and she naturally comes to terms with her son Sik-i. Yeong-sook regrets having given her son and demands that her baby be returned to her, but Seong-hee stubbornly refuses. Yeong-sook then threatens to tell Sang-ho the truth, and heads for his workplace to do so. Seong-hee follows her and fires a shot at her. After Yeong-sook tells the prosecutor the truth, she pleads with him to release her half-sister, and Seong-hee is set free.



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