Lee Seo-won Claims to Be Feeble-minded

While Lee Seo-won was being questioned for harassing an actress, he claimed that he is weak in mind and body. Apparently he'd said something like 'the fish are attacking me'.


Lee Seo-won attended the first trial that was held on the 12th.

His attorney accepted the charges on harassment, but argued that the victim's statements weren't all true.

Like it says according to the victim's statement, Lee Seo-won was too drunk to even stand up straight and has no recollection of the events in question. He even said, "The fish are attacking me, run for the south".

The victim offered him drinks and he fell asleep, but woke up and that's when the fight happened. This is all the victim's statement.

Lee Seo-won was booked without detention for harassing his victim at her house while drinking. The victim called her friend over and Lee Seo-won threatened the friend with a weapon.