Lee Young-ae files report on netizen

Lee Young-ae and her husband Jeong Ho-yeong charged a few netizens and bloggers for spreading rumors about their family relationship and age.


Lee Young-ae's legal representative said, "Lee Young-ae and her husband filed charges on the netizens and bloggers for violating the law regarding the promotion of information and communication network use and protection of information".

Rumors that were spread online said that Jeong Ho-yeong's son was the CEO of Rush and Cash therefore their wives Lee Young-ae and Han Chae-young were mother and daughter-in-law. They claim their reputations have been 'defamed'.

Also, the age and personal information about Jeong Ho-yeong was mentioned here as well, also stating that he was a sponsor to illegal trades.

The spokesperson said, "These people were spreading false rumors about Jeong Ho-yeong and his wife Lee Young-ae as if they personally knew these people and considering the properties of the Internet which has significant amount of influence and diffusion, the damage to Jeong and Lee are outstanding which makes things worse".

"Keeping silent about this means afflicting more damage to Han Chae-young and her family as well so they decided to sue for defamation before it does anymore damage".