MBC's Drama "Prince of the Legend" ("Jumong") is driven to bradcast in Japan TV

MBC's hugely popular special TV drama Prince of the Legend is attracting much interest in Japan. There is serious talk that the drama will most probably be broadcast on Japanese terrestrial television channels before the series ends.

"Japanese broadcasting officials are scheduled to visit MBC next week for a discussion", said on June 22 by a representative from CHOROKBAEK MEDIA Co., Ltd., a co-producer of Prince of the Legend ("Jumong"). "While they were reluctant about this because the drama is a long, 60-part series, they finally took serious notice as Prince of the Legend continues setting high ratings of over 30% even amid the World Cup season".

It has been said that Japanese officials are considering DENTSU, a major advertising company, to import the licensing and to broadcast the drama via NHK or TV Tokyo.

"We expect that the drama's highly probable storyline will attract Japanese viewers and that the revenue from the export will surpass that of Jewel in the Palace ("Dae Jang Geum")", said Kim Kwang-il, CEO of CHOROKBAEM MEDIA.

The Source : Koreacontent News Team
