MC Mong finally appears for questioning

Singer MC Mong, 31, appeared for questioning at 8 a.m., Wednesday, at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seoul. He has currently been interrogated for over four hours. The officials announced that the session will end this afternoon.

MC Mong was originally suspected of intentionally extracting molars to dodge military service in July. He was to be summoned for a further investigation in July, but the police granted him extra time for him to consult with his lawyers.

He was exempt from being drafted in 2004 due to dental issues. It was not until July that the police followed an allegation that MC Mong had illegally avoided military service. When the news came out in the media, his agency was adamant that "all actions were legitimate", and asserted that "they will take legal action" against false reports.

MC몽 19일 아침 경찰 소환 조사

현재 가수 MC몽은 변호사를 대동하고 경찰에 나와 병역기피 의혹과 관련된 조사를 4시간째 받고 있다.

MC몽은 '치아 기능 미달' 판정을 받고 병역면제 처분을 받았는데, 경찰은 이 과정에서 MC몽이 치료 목적이 아니라 병역 기피를 위해 치아를 일부러 뽑은 것은 아닌지 조사 중이다.

앞서 MC몽 측은 "모두 정상적인 치료행위였다"며 "추후 수사기관 조사뿐만 아니라 다른 절차를 통해서도 의혹에 대해 명명백백하게 해명할 것"이라고 말했다.
