Movie Audience Falls in August

A lack of summer blockbusters has apparently driven down the number of moviegoers for the month of August, traditionally a month registering strong box office figures. Korea's multiplex movie theater chain CJ CGV announced Thursday that less than 17 million people nationwide went to see a movie in August. The figure has risen 1.2% since July, but has fallen nearly 20% year-on-year.

CGV blamed the drop on the slim picking of good summer blockbusters. Last year the theaters were booming with such spectacular films as "D-War" and "May 18". These two movies alone drew more than 13 million, while no domestic film matching the audience drawing power was released this summer.

The biggest ticket power this summer was "Mummy 3", which vied for the top honor with "The Dark Knight". The film about a husband-and-wife adventurer team and a resurrected Chinese emperor barely edged out Dark Crusader in the nationwide survey. However, the latest installment of the Batman series beat out the Chinese mummies in Seoul. Meanwhile, the acclaimed Korean western "The Good, the Bad, the Weird", which opened in mid-July, was still going strong in August, attracting over 2 million viewers.
