Nelson Shin's Multimedia Encyclopedia is released

Nelson Shin's Multimedia Encyclopedia, which contains director Nelson Shin's know-how in animation and life in general, has recently been published.

Following the Dictionary of Animation Terminology, which was published in 2002, this encyclopedia offers detailed and vast information on multimedia, ranging from history, functions, processes, to theories in the field of film, broadcasting, video, DVD, and computer technology.

The book contains over 300 images, as well as word etymologies, uses of many terms, and reference corners, to help the reader connect various pieces of information creatively. Also included are the histories of animation in various countries and representative animation works, still-shots, and reviews.

As an internationally renowned animator who was recognized in Hollywood for his talent, Shin has also been teaching for over 10 years. This encyclopedia is the result of his experiences and know-how as a seasoned animator and as a passionate teacher.

The encyclopedia comes with supplements that offer beneficial information for those who currently work at animation studios or are aspiring animators, including actual animation processes, a list of educational institutes, and samples of animation scripts. Another interesting addition is a list of animation terminology used in Pyeongyang, North Korea, which Shin learned while working on Queen Shimcheong. (Hanwool Publishing Co., 4,000 Won)

The Source : Koreacontent News Team
