[Orion's Daily Ramblings] Lee Sun-bin and Lim Hwa-young Join "Sketch - Drama"

We have two promising new additions to "Sketch - Drama", as Lee Sun-bin and Lim Hwa-young will be joining Rain and Lee Dong-gun for some clairvoyant investigations. The two actresses have both confirmed roles in the force, with Lee Sun-bin taking on the female lead previously reported on.


There isn't anything new in terms of character information, as Lee Sun-bin plays the psychic sketch artist, while the two male leads play the parts I talked about a while back. We do have new information on the newly released role taken on by Lim Hwa-young, however. The actress will be playing the brains of the investigation. I'm not sure if this makes her a hacker or a team leader, but more detailed descriptions will be popping up frequently from now on.

"Sketch - Drama" starts in May, but it has already started filming. It is reported that, since filming began early, we should expect strong directing and writing. I'm not holding my breath over this myself, since time isn't all that matters in making quality, but more time is definitely a good thing for any production.

Let's see where this story takes us. We should be seeing reports on the extended supporting cast soon-ish, so I'll be keeping track of the drama's production.

Written by: Orion from 'Orion's Ramblings'

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