Pardon denied: Lee Byung-hun blackmailers Lee Ji-yun and Kim Si-won-III to be imprisoned


Model Lee Ji-yun and Kim Si-won-III didn't get their pardons.

The Seoul Central Court held a trial regarding the Lee Byung-hun blackmailing case on the 15th. The Justice Department sentenced Lee Ji-yun to 1 year and 2 months and Kim Si-won-III received 1 year under the law of violent actions.

The Justice Department stated, "Both crimes are seen as guilty, but they are first time offenders with no history and their crime wasn't fulfilled. The video evidence wasn't released into the public and it seems like they didn't realize the seriousness of their actions. However, secretly filming private jokes and using them against a person for money and harming the victim psychologically, is considered a crime. Lee Ji-yun was in a relationship with the victim for a consistent amount of time and by saying that he insulted her in sexual ways added weight to the crime".

"The codefendants have been submitting letters of apologies but they haven't been truly reflecting on what they have done. Imprisonment is unavoidable. The victim himself is responsible for providing reason to them by making sexual jokes with women much younger than he is and showing interest in them even though he has a family of his own. There is need for an assessment of the case considering their young age".

According to investigators, Lee Ji-yun and Kim Si-won-III asked for 5 billion won from Lee Byung-hun in return for a video of him making dirty jokes. Lee Byung-hun reported this to the police right away and the two women were arrested in September.

Lee Ji-yun and Kim Si-won-III admitted to blackmailing the actor but denied certain mentioned facts and process of the whole thing. They have been submitting letters of apology to the court.

Lee Byung-hun is currently living in the States with his wife Lee Min-jung.