Park Si-hoo's overseas fans do good deed for his birthday

Park Si-hoo's overseas fans prepared a special gift in time for his birthday.


His Chinese fan club 'By Duba' donated 10 million won in scholarship to 23 students in the Chinese Winan area. This place has already been known for the library in Park Si-hoo's name, established last year.

These fans have also donated money and bags with school supplies to 250 elementary school students last year July, continuously supporting Park Si-hoo's chances of advancement into the Chinese community.

A fan who took part in the good deed said, "We heard he went back to school and is studying hard so we decided to do this. It was also his birthday so it should have a bigger meaning for all of us".

Park Si-hoo responded, "I've had my birthday with fans every year but this year I celebrated it with my family. But I am thankful for those who didn't forget and I will return the favor soon".

Meanwhile, Park Si-hoo, who was in the drama "Queen of Reversals", is currently attending the Hanyang University and is waiting for the next project.