[Photos] How Lee Jong-suk and Park Shin-hye met as 'friends'

This is how Park Shin-hye meets her 'male friends'. She hugs them.


They don't hide their personal cars.

This is when Park Shin-hye meets her 'boyfriend'

They hide the boyfriend's car in the basement of his apartment.

She walks quickly.

He gets on the elevator.

They walk out of their house separately.

The boyfriend gets the car ready first and Park Shin-hye walks out and gets into the car looking around her.

When they are done with their date?


She heads to her car carefully.

This is how Lee Jong-suk treats his girlfriend.

He used to live in Oksoo but he moved to Hannam in June.

In May, he headed to his new house with Park Shin-hye.

He hadn't even moved his furniture in yet.

She was always first to him.

He waited for her outside her house.

He always picked her up and dropped her home.

But! They kept a low profile

They used the first car which is a Mercedez Benz 350

and a Porsche 911.

She was very careful.

"Hey Dal-po"

They would finish their drive

and return around 1 AM in the morning.

This was on the 28th of June, just three days ago.

Lee Jong-suk and Park Shin-hye claim they are friends.

May their friendship last forever.