[HanCinema's Drama Review] "The 8 Show" Episode 4

The woman who lives on the fourth floor, played by Lee Yul-eum, can best be described as mildly annoying. At worst, she can be described as having a disastrous impact on the social structure of this society. 4 actively petitioned in the third episode for 8's room to be elected as the bathroom. 8 seemed to accept this decision. It was her idea in the first place to designate a bathroom by election, as opposed to something like maybe just building a bathroom in the common area.


But the climax of the third episode ended with her just refusing to allow anyone into her room. Or giving them any food or water. It's worth noting that food, water, and waste are the only real conflicts in the show within a show that "The 8 Show" describes. They're the only reason why 8 is able to enjoy such an exalted position, is because she can starve the other characters to death. Three days after their democratic demand at the end of the third episode, with no backing by force, that's exactly what's happened.

Consequently, 4 has given up her belief in democratic principles, although it takes quite some time over the course of this episode for we, as viewers, to appreciate just how far she has fallen when it comes to trying to keep the game going. If our hero 3 is merely passive, then 4 is very much passive-aggressive, preferring the idea of rules more than their actual validity, her main flaw being her naive willingness to take 8 at her word that she believes in democracy even when it's to her disadvantage.

This is, of course, an important foundational element of "The 8 Show" and its staging. There aren't actually any rules, or order, except for that which this eight person microcosm of a society make up themselves. And despite the show seeming to hint that 8 is just a bad person in general, the question is constantly begged. Would 4 actually have been much better, if she hadn't impulsively decided against picking the eighth floor despite having first choice?

At first glance "The 8 Show" seems to be quite cynical by implying that power is inherently dehumanizing and destructive. But the drama's a lot more subtle than that with its politics. As we're reminded early on, the game could end immediately if the characters were willing to just spend all their remaining time on something, anything. It's only the fact that they all need the money that keeps them performing for the cameras, even as it remains ambiguous how much money any of them actually need.

Written by William Schwartz


"The 8 Show" is directed by Han Jae-rim, written by Han Jae-rim, Lee Jenny, Song Su-rin, and features Ryu Jun-yeol, Chun Woo-hee, Park Jung-min, Lee Yul-eum, Park Hae-joon, Lee Zoo-young. Broadcasting information in Korea: 2024/05/17~Now airing, Fri on Netflix.