"Section TV" Henry Coined a Popular Term

Henry appeared on "Section TV" and chose "Real Guys" as his most loved and hated show.


He said he loved and hated "Real Guys" at the same time. He added that he had over 1,000 stories to tell from the military.

The reporter mentioned 'neck slice' and Henry said, "I still don't know why that's funny. It's something I've seen a lot in comic books since I was a child. I like it that everyone had a good kick out of it, but I don't know why that's funny".

Henry also made up the phrase 'there's not 1' and he said, "Maybe I should have claimed copyright for that. Everyone uses it. There's even a song and the Apink agency director should know that.'

Lastly, he was asked what he'd do if he was asked to be on "Real Guys" again and he said, "I'll enjoy the show. Just enjoy".