Song Hye-kyo Gets Support From Park Hyung-sik

Song Hye-kyo was shown support by Park Hyung-sik.


Song Hye-kyo posted some pictures on her Instagram.

ZE:A - Children of Empire singer and actor Park Hyung-sik had presented her with a coffee truck on the site of her currently filming drama "Now, We Are Breaking Up". He parodied the title of the drama and wrote, 'Now, We Are Supporting You' on the banners. Song Hye-kyo replied, "Thank you Hyung-sik", on her post.

On the cup holders are words of support for Song Hye-kyo from Park Hyung-sik.

Meanwhile, "Now, We Are Breaking Up" is a sweet, salty, spicy, and sour breakup version of "Love Actually" starring Song Hye-kyo, Jang Ki-yong, Choi Hee-seo and Kim Joo-hun.