[Spoiler] "Ad Genius Lee Tae-baek" Jin Goo isn't afraid of a challenge

Jin Goo and Jo Hyun-jae are getting tense.


On the ninth episode of the KBS 2TV drama "Ad Genius Lee Tae-baek" Tae-baek scoffed at Eddie's (Jo Hyun-jae) challenge.

Eddie threatened Tae-baek but like Ah-ri (Han Chae-young) predicted, Tae-baek didn't even flinch. He said he was stronger to blackmailing and said, "Let's have a fair competition man to man, and as admen".

However, according to Eddie, fair competing wasn't his style. He said, "I am warning you. This is my first and last good faith to you". Tae-baek answered back smiling, "Thanks for the thought but I don't scare easily".

Meanwhile, Eddie and Tae-baek conflicted an ad order for organic lotion. When Ha-rang (Wang Seok-hyeon) used the lotion, it showed skin irriation after using it -- Tae-baek asked the company for inspection but Eddie refused saying they couldn't anger the advertiser.