[Spoiler] Fashion King: Episode 12 Recap

by: Raine



Episode 11 eeked up a tad to 9.8%. It's negligable. As is my love for this show at the moment.

This recap was really hard to start. I just didn't want to do it. The show is so confusing. But then it sucks me in. Then I get annoyed. Then I squee. Help. I need therapy to watch it.

"Fashion King" features Yoo Ah-in, Shin Se-kyung and Lee Je-hoon.

Episode 12 recap

Ga-young comes back from work at J Fashion to discover that Young-gul has been sued, the inventory is missing, the ahjummas flipping out and Young-guls office trashed.

At the police station, Young-gul explains all the things he has going on in his business to a very apathetic cop. Turns out Jae-hyuk spun the elevator tape as Young-gul threatening An-na so he could steal her design. If Young-gul wants to go to America, he needs to clear this mess up first.

Jae-hyuk is a mess as he's driven home and looks ready to drop when Ga-young calls. He ignores her calls, but gets accosted by her in the lobby of his building. Turns out Young-gul is there too and watches her follow him to the elevators.

I see signs for "Misunderstanding Land" and Young-gul has just taken the exit.

Ga-young follows Jae-hyuk all the way to his front door, demanding to know why he went back on his promise. He tries to shut her out, but she follows him around and even blocks the t.v. when he tries to watch it. Hehehehe.

She came to work to protect Young Young Apparel and demands to know if he's playing with her. He says he never played with her and tries to watch t.v. She snatches the remote and turns it off. Young Young Apparel is a mess; the factory has completely stopped work. She should've been there and she is really frustrated about it. After going to work to be by Jae-hyuk's side, she thought he'd keep his promise. This is the best acting Shin Se-kyung as done thus far.

Why is he tormenting her president? But then Jae-hyuk turns it around. Why is she tormenting him? Don't get in the middle of a man's problem.

Um, what about the lives you're affecting. It's not just between men, dude.

He tries to kick her out, but she parks her bum on the sofa, determined not to leave until he cancels the suit. When Jae-hyuk tries to drag her off, she holds on to the arm for dear life. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Finally, he gives up and undresses in his bedroom. HOO-FRICKIN'-RAY! She gets all embarrassed but continues to stand firm, even curling up on the sofa with a pillow. He watches her, I bet he's impressed by her gumption (part of why he likes her) and incredulous and a bit unnerved and unsure of what to do.

Young-gul is waiting downstairs and finally leaves, imagining the worst and remembering all the times he saw them together. At the factory he hopefully checks her bed and then starts to clean up. But his angst overwhelms him and he knocks some desk supplies to the ground.

We've hit the angst, people. The REAL angst. Expect it…for a long, long, long time. It's episode 12, the time when it normally comes in all K-drama. So join me as I attempt to lessen the angst because I don't deal with it well. Or tension. *pulls hair*

Jae-hyuk discovers Ga-young has fallen asleep and covers her up. Her phone rings and he answers gleefully when he sees it's Young-gul, knowing what Young-gul would assume. Anyone would. And Young-gul does. His face drops and he asks why Jae-hyuk answered the phone. Young-gul wants him to send her home, but Jae-hyuk doesn't want to wake her because she's sleeping SO well.

Just imagine what is running through Young-gul's mind: she's worn out from a hot tumble in bed with a gorgeous chaebol. Well, maybe not EXACTLY that. But close enough.

Anyway, Young-gul wants Jae-hyuk to leave his employee alone, but Jae-hyuk points out she works at HIS company today. YOung-gul finally orders Jae-hyuk to have her call him when she wakes and hangs up.

Fat chance buddy. Jae-hyuk erases the call from the register and smiles at the prize sleeping on his sofa.

O.M.G. the angst. THE PAIN. The smirking. The men. The machissimo. Young-gul do you seriously think she slept with him? Seriously? Whatever, Yoo Ah-in looks hot all anguished; Lee Je-hoon looks hot all smirking. I laugh off the tension made from misunderstanding.

Understandably, Young-gul explodes, flipping tables and screaming in frustration. Aw, he's really in love. You tell that table! No one else can torture Ga-young but you! We got it! So does the poor table. What did it ever do to you? Maybe you and I can head over to talk to An-na's sheep for some serious therapy.

In the morning, Ga-young wakes and is startled. Probably doesn't like the fact that she neglected her vigil. Jae-hyuk is eating and cooly reading the paper. She asks for the bathroom and runs off. When she's gone, Jae-hyuk's wall comes down and we see an insecure man trying to be stoic in the face of he woman he loves.

Seriously, just show this side to her. It's so much better than showing the 'vengeful bastard' side.

Ga-young comes out and he quickly resumes the "cool and aloof" reading the paper post. She refuses his offer for breakfast and to go to work when Young Young Apparel is such a mess. He wonders if she'll stay there alone, but she'll bring her currently idle co-workers to hang out.

As Jae-hyuk readies to leave, his mother storms in with two goons and glares at Ga-young. She orders Ga-young to leave but Ga-young is frozen. Jae-hyuk turns into a boy and whines that it's not what his mother thinks. He gets smacked and called a useless bastard for his efforts.

Ack, why is my heart breaking for him? I need to steel myself and say "YOU DESERVE IT!"...but I can't.

(Lee Je-hoon is so hot...but that's one funny face. Teehee.)

Mom sends the goons to throw Ga-young out but Jae-hyuk beats them and drags her to his side before sending her to his bedroom.

Why, oh why, am I touched by a man who made a problem and then offers the solution?

So Ga-young hides behind the bed *titters* and Jae-hyuk orders his mother to leave. Mommy is baffled at how he can buy a place for one woman and have another stay at his.

For once, I agree with her. But then again, his parents didn't exactly raise him right or with any kind of love or moral fiber. Wait...stop making excuses for the hot, hot, hot jerk.

Jae-hyuk hollers at her, telling her to leave his place and mind her own business. She's incredulous that he can treat his own mother that way and looks incredibly hurt.

*Feels chest* Did I actually just feel a twinge of pity? Uh-oh. I must be broken. Any k-drama heart doctors out there, 'cause mine is obviously malfunctioning.

After glaring at Ga-young, mom leaves and Jae-hyuk fights tears.

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