[Spoiler] "Ms. Ma, Nemesis" Kim Yunjin and Ko Sung-hee's Powerful Womance

Ko Sung-hee takes on the role of Seo Eun-ji who searches for the culprit with Ms. Ma (Kim Yunjin) in "Ms. Ma, Nemesis". After she lost her beloved sister, Seo Eun-ji started tracking down the murderer and found her sister's hairpin in the belongings of Ms. Ma's dead daughter.


It was expected that Ko Sung-hee and Kim Yunjin would have solid chemistry since the first episode. It all began when Han Tae-gyoo (Jung Woong-in) was about to get arrested and she Seo Eun-jin called Ms. Ma 'aunt'. Since then, they started looking for the culprit as 'aunt and niece'.

At first, Ms. Ma was suspicious of the young woman who started calling her 'aunt' so naturally, but slowly started opening up to her. They started solving the murderers happening around them and provided protection for Choi Woo-joon (Choi Seung-hoon-I) who was left all alone in their own way. In the process of piecing the puzzle, they started filling in for each other and getting close to the identity of the criminal.

Their womance stood out even more on the twenty-fifth to the twenty-eighth episodes after the real culprit killed Ma Ji-won (Kim Yunjin) mistaking her for Ms. Ma. Seo Eun-jin was worried that Ms. Ma would be in danger because if the killer found out that Ms. Ma was alive, he would kill her. Seo Eun-ji told Ms. Ma, "I need someone next to me too" and expressed her faith and reliance in her.