[Spoiler] "Queen for 7 Days" Park Sieun presents Baek Seung-hwan with engagement ring

Park Sieun presented Baek Seung-hwan with an engagement ring.


On the latest episode of the KBS 2TV drama "Queen for 7 Days", Sin Chae-kyeong (Park Sieun / Park Min-young) gave Lee Yeok (Baek Seung-gwan / Yeon Woo-jin) an engagement ring.

Lee Yoong (Lee Dong-gun) was hostile towards his brother Lee Yeok and forced marriage on him. Lee Yeok refused to get married and tried to relieve his brother's anger. However, his encounter with Sin Chae-kyeong made him decide to get married.

Lee Yeok and Sin Chae-kyeong were running away from strangers and once they got away, Lee Yeok said, "Let's live like this even when we're married". Sin Chae-kyeong said, "I won't fall for it, what are you going to tease me about". Lee Yeok said, "This is real. You can marry me. It's not out of convenience, but it's because I like you".

Sin Chae-kyeong was touched and she said, "We need to leave a symbol of promise. She put her ring on Lee Yeok's pinky finger. It fit perefectly.

However, later, the ring made a scar on Lee Yeok's face.