[Spoiler] "Secret Door" Kwak Hee-sung chooses death

Kwak Hee-sung chose death over Lee Je-hoon's persuasion.


On the episode of the SBS drama "Secret Door", Kim Moo (Kwak Hee-sung) took the blame for Kim Taek's crime and faced death although Lee Seon (Lee Je-hoon) tried to persuade him.

Kim Taek used and abandoned his son to find the special documents. Kim Moo knew that but still chose death for Kim Taek. Lee Seon later learned that Kim Moo knew about everything and still let Kim Taek do that to him.

Kim Moo explained that he did so because it was his father. Lee Seon tried persuading him that innocent people died because of Kim Taek and that he abandoned his son. He begged Kim Moo to reveal the truth to prevent further innocent deaths.

However, Kim Moo said, "I'm going to die because I've committed a crime. It's a memory to collect. My father still called me his son. If I don't have a single memory of him, then I'd be quite lonely going to the other world".

In the end, Kim Moo took the blame and got killed. Lee Seon became devastated.

Meanwhile, the Princess realized Ji-dam's love for the Prince.