[Spoiler] "Shall We Kiss First" Kim Sun-a Furious at Jung Da-bin

On the latest episode of the SBS drama "Shall We Kiss First", Ahn Soon-jin (Kim Sun-a) called Son Yi-deun (Jung Da-bin) to confront her about throwing away her belongings.


Soon-jin was on her honeymoon with Son Moo-han (Kam Woo-sung) when it happened and she was baffled tto see that Yi-deun had come into the house while she was gone, made an 'X' on the bed with stones and got rid of An Soon-jin's clothes and papers to show how much she hated her.

Moo-han said, "I guess my daughter was here". Soon-jin asked to talk to her and asked where she'd thrown her things away and dug through the trash.

Moo-han found court related papers in the trash and handed them to Soon-jin. She said, "I'm sorry I yelled, these are very important to me".