[Spoiler] "Sweet, Savage Family" Jung Joon-ho and Jung Woong-in in danger

Kim Won-hae who was thought to be dead, came back and so did Seo Hyun-chul. The situation turned around and Jung Woong-in and Jung Joon-ho were in their hands.


On the tenth episode of the MBC drama "Sweet, Savage Family", Yoon Tae-soo (Jung Joon-ho) and Baek Gi-bum (Jung Woong-in) passed out after seeing Son Se-yoon (Kim Won-hae) who was alive.

They believed that Son Se-yoon was dead. Baek Ki-gum insisted Son Se-yoon was dead and Yoon Tae-soo had taken his body to the mountains with his wife Kim Eun-ok (Moon Jeong-hee).

Son Se-yoon was very confident. He pressured Yoon Tae-soo and Baek Ki-bum as if he wanted revenge on them. Son Se-yoon told Baek Ki-bum, "Bring me 1 billion won. You should be grateful I am even alive". Then he told Yoon Tae-soo, "Help him bring me 1 billion won".

Son Se-yoon was no joke. Yoon Tae-soo raided Son Se-yoon's hideout and was appalled to see his wall covered with pictures of himself and Baek Ki-bum's in crime. He fully prepared himself to stand in front of Yoon Tae-soo and Baek Ki-bum again.

In the end, Yoon Tae-soo told Son Se-yoon that he had 1 billion won and that he would like to meet. While Yoon and Baek waited for Son Se-yoon, they were thirsty and drank water. However, the water had been spiked by Son Se-yoon and they both fell unconscious.

Son Se-yoon tied them up in a warehouse. He was giving them back what he'd been through. It turned out that Detective Seo (Seo Hyun-chul) who was thought to be Yoon and Baek's savior, turned out to be on Son's side.