[Spoiler] "The Princess' Man" Lee Min-woo-I beheaded, Hong Soo-hyun, Park Si-hoo wail

"The Princess' Man" Jeong-jong (Lee Min-woo-I) finally met his end and Hong Soo-hyun and Park Si-hoo cried in sorrow.


Lee Min-woo-I met his end.

Jeong-jong was caught revolting for the reinstating of Danjong and was dismembered to death.

He knew that if Kim Seung-yoo (Park Si-hoo) knew about his execution he would come and try to save him so he pleaded with General Soo-yang (Kim Young-chul) to create a fake execution date.

Even until his death he told Princess Kyeong-hye, "I am sorry I couldn't protect you until the end" and showed his affection for her.

She cried tears of sorrow and Seung-yoo, who came later after hearing the news, also wailed in agony.