[Spoiler] "The Queen of Office" Kim Hye-soo's obsession with pants

Why does Miss Kim only wear long pants?


On the sixth episode of the KBS 2TV drama "The Queen of Office", Miss Kim reacted sensitively to her legs.

Miss Kim spilled juice on her pants at a home shopping meeting with her clients. Her pants were wet. The employee who spilled it apologized and offered her shorter pants to change into. When Miss Kim asked for longer ones and they didn't have any, she politely refused to wear them and just wiped down her pants with napkins.

Jang Gyu-jik (Oh Ji-ho) thought suspiciously of this and asked if she had thick legs. Moo Jeong-han (Lee Hee-jun) didn't pay much attention to what he said but Jang Gyu-jik held onto his suspicion as he said again, "She wore a long skirt too".

Apparently Miss Kim was fired from a previous job after being presented in a mini skirt incidence with a co-worker.