[Spoiler] "The Queen's Flower" Kim Sung-ryung, problems with pregnancy

Kim Sung-ryung's pregnancy brought along some ominous signs.


On the thirty-fourth episode of the MBC weekend drama "The Queen's Flower", Rena Jeong (Kim Sung-ryung) was very happy to find out she was pregnant.

Rena Jeong gagged at the smell of the lunchbox and thought it had turned sour. However, she kept gagging and checked her calendar.

At home, she gagged again in front of food. Her family saw that and congratulated her. Park Tae-soo (Jang Yong), her father-in-law was even happier to know that his son Park Min-joon (Lee Jong-hyuk) was finally going to have a child.

Rena Jeong had a pregnancy test and was sure she had conceived a child. Park Min-joon said, "I didn't say anything because I didn't want to pressure us, but I really wanted a child". Rena also said, "I've always had to work really hard for something I want, but I didn't know pregnancy could happen so quickly. It's a present from God".

Ma Hee-ra (Kim Mi-sook) didn't want to believe Rena was pregnant. She has been plotting to destroy Park Min-joon, the heir to the company and put her one and only son Park Jae-joon (Yoon Park) in the throne. At the end of the episode, Ma Hee-ra had her husband Park Tae-soo make appointments with a doctor for Rena.

Rena thought this was all out of her father-in-law's love and went to see the doctor. However, she was met with an ominous respond from the doctor. He said, "Where did the child go? Something's wrong".

This news was going to be delivered to Rena's enemy Ma Hee-ra. In the following preview of the next episode, her family were going to find out that she'd already had a child when she was twenty.

Meanwhile, "The Queen's Flower" is about a woman who reunited with the daughter she abandoned for her own success.