Teen Actress Prioritizes Study Over Stardom

Teen star Moon Geun-young is putting the priority on study, not acting. Having enrolled in SungKyunKwan University as a humanities major this year, she has shown great enthusiasm for her studies. "Moon hasn't missed a class since school started a month and a half ago", her agency says. "She's doing her best as both an entertainer and a student, just as she did in high school".

What worries Koreans' favorite young actress most now is a group assignment in her history class she has to work on ahead of the mid-term exam. She is the only girl in a group of six, but her agency says rumors that she has had help from the "devoted" boys are not true. She tries to be no different from ordinary students.

Of course, Moon feels somewhat sad that she cannot enjoy things that other students do such as camping or going on blind dates. She is also said to feel sorry for classmates whenever news say that courses taken by her draw a lot of students or otherwise imply that her fellow students are star-struck.

However, Moon has started shooting a movie titled "I Don't Need a Thing Like Love", a remake of a Japanese hit drama. Moon plays a physically challenged girl who inherits a fortune opposite Kim Joo-hyuk.
