Top comedian Hwang booked for car accident during drunk driving

Top comedian Hwang Hyun-hee, 31, was booked for causing car accident during drunk driving in Guro, Seoul, early Wednesday.

According to Guro Pollice, the accident took place when he was driving his Mercedes Benz along Baedani Church in Guro-dong at around 4:36 a.m. He drove streight on the street, neglecting traffic signal, crashing with a taxi coming on left turn.

"I was on my way home after drinking soju about a half of the bottle with my friends near the Daelim subway station", Hwang was quoted as saying. He was checked at 0.12 percent of blood alcohol content (BAC), the level at which driving licence could be cancelled.

Hwang has been appearing at popular comedy program of Gag Concert, on KBS1 at every Sunday night.

개그맨 황현희 음주 교통사고로 입건

서울 구로경찰서는 술을 마시고 운전하다 교통사고를 낸 혐의(도로교통법위반)로 개그맨 황현희(31) 씨를 불구속 입건했다고 3일 밝혔다.

경찰에 따르면 황씨는 이날 오전 4시36분께 서울 구로구 구로동 배다니 교회 앞에서 자신의 벤츠 승용차를 몰고 신호를 위반해 직진하다 좌회전하는 택시와 충돌했다.

황씨는 "대림역 근처에서 친구들과 소주 반 병을 마시고 집에 돌아가는 길이었다"고 말했다. 음주 측정 결과 혈중알코올농도는 면허취소 수치인 0.12%로 나타났다.

황씨는 KBS '개그콘서트'에 출연하고 있다.
